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Fund Management Agreements: Everything You Need to Know

Investing in mutual funds and hedge funds can be an excellent way to grow your wealth while diversifying your investment portfolio. However, the complex nature of these investments often requires the assistance of a professional fund manager. The fund manager is responsible for overseeing the investment strategy of the fund, selecting and managing the investments, and ensuring that the fund is performing in line with its stated objectives. To do this, a fund management agreement is typically created between the investment firm and the fund manager.

What Is a Fund Management Agreement?

A fund management agreement is a contract that outlines the relationship between an investment firm and a fund manager. The agreement is typically entered into when the investment firm hires the fund manager to oversee the investment portfolio of a mutual fund or hedge fund. The agreement outlines the duties and responsibilities of the fund manager, including the investment objectives, investment restrictions, and performance benchmarks.

Why Is a Fund Management Agreement Important?

The fund management agreement is crucial to ensure that the fund manager is acting in the best interest of the investors. It also protects the investment firm from any potential liabilities resulting from the actions of the fund manager. By outlining the investment objectives and restrictions, the agreement provides a clear framework for the fund manager to operate within. This can help to prevent any conflicts of interest or inappropriate investment decisions.

What Does a Fund Management Agreement Typically Include?

A fund management agreement typically includes the following:

1. Investment Objectives: The fund management agreement outlines the investment objectives of the fund, which may include long-term growth, income, or capital preservation.

2. Investment Restrictions: The agreement may also include investment restrictions, such as limits on the types of securities that can be purchased or the maximum percentage of the fund that can be invested in a single security.

3. Compensation: The agreement will outline the compensation structure for the fund manager, which may include a base salary and performance-based bonuses.

4. Termination: The agreement will outline the circumstances under which the agreement may be terminated, such as poor performance, unethical conduct, or resignation.

5. Performance Benchmarks: The agreement will provide performance benchmarks against which the fund manager`s performance will be measured.

6. Reporting Requirements: The agreement will outline the reporting requirements for the fund manager, including regular reports on fund performance and investment decisions.


A fund management agreement is a crucial document in the world of mutual funds and hedge funds. It outlines the relationship between the investment firm and the fund manager, providing a framework for the fund manager to operate within. By outlining investment objectives, investment restrictions, compensation, termination, performance benchmarks, and reporting requirements, the agreement ensures that the fund manager is acting in the best interest of the investors. As an investor, it is important to understand the contents of the fund management agreement to ensure that you are making informed investment decisions.