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Food Stall Tenancy Agreement: What Your Business Needs to Know

Opening a food stall can be an exciting and lucrative venture, but before you set up shop, it’s crucial to have a solid tenancy agreement in place. A tenancy agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your lease agreement with the landlord. Here’s what you need to know to ensure your food stall tenancy agreement protects your business.

1. Terms and Conditions

Your tenancy agreement should outline the duration of your lease agreement, including start and end dates, as well as any renewal or extension options. It should also detail the rent amount and payment terms, as well as any fees or costs associated with the lease.

2. Use of Space

Your agreement should also specify the permitted use of the space, including any restrictions on the types of food you can serve and how you can use the space. For example, your lease may prohibit the use of open flames or require that you use certain types of equipment.

3. Utilities and Services

The agreement should detail the utility and service arrangements, such as who is responsible for paying for electricity, water, gas, internet, and garbage collection. It should also specify who is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the space.

4. Repairs and Maintenance

Your lease agreement should include provisions for repairs and maintenance of the space. It should specify who is responsible for making repairs and for paying for them. If the landlord is responsible for repairs, the agreement should explain the process for reporting maintenance issues.

5. Termination and Default

Your agreement should outline the circumstances under which the lease can be terminated, such as non-payment of rent or violation of terms and conditions. It should also detail the process for resolving disputes and for handling any defaults.

6. Insurance and Liability

Your tenancy agreement should specify the insurance and liability requirements for your business. It should detail the types of insurance you are required to carry, such as general liability insurance, and who is responsible for paying for it. The agreement should also explain the liability limits and any exclusions.


A food stall tenancy agreement is an essential document that protects your business, so it’s crucial to ensure it covers all the necessary provisions. By understanding the terms and conditions of your lease agreement, you can ensure your business is protected and that you are compliant with local regulations. If you are unsure about any aspect of your tenancy agreement, seek legal advice to protect your business.